
San Diego County officials shut down home Bible study

San Diego County officials shut down home Bible study
County official interrogates pastor and his wife

A San Diego pastor and his wife have been told they cannot have a Bible study in their home. The couple says they were interrogated by a San Diego County official, then threatened with ever increasing fines if they refuse to stop the Bible study. (See news article here)

Sign Petition:
Petition text:To: San Diego County Board of SupervisorsI am upset that you would shut down a home Bible study of 15 people and yet allow similar secular events.I ask that you stop interfering with people's right to hold Bible studies in their homes. Your actions appear to have an anti-Christian slant and should cease immediately.

1 comment:

  1. this is out of control...this is why bigger government is bad...they have no right to control an American citizens home like this, I don't care if it's christian or not.
